My new years resolution for 2010 was to do a gratitude journal...of sorts. The easiest, and most do-able, way for that to happen was through my facebook statuses each day. Most days I found a moment at the end of the day to post something I was grateful for that day. Some days were tough to find something, and some days were missed altogether! Although those days usually got a nod with a double, and sometimes triple, posting on the next day.
Thinking back, it has been so revealing! I could guess that 90% of my posts were about Aiden, or someone in the family. Yes- my most beloved family is the most important thing on earth to me! It's also wonderful to have a history, a journal of sorts, of a glimpse into each and every day of this year. I love that! And I love thinking that years from now I'll be able to look back and relive a bit of this time in my life. Actually- this is the only way I'll be able to relive the day to day little things- my memory is not nearly my best quality!
Sadly, there were several days when I had to edit down my posting due to letter constraints. So in planning for 2011, I want this kind of a thing to continue. But I think a better atmosphere will be here! I'm not sure about the whole blog thing- seems like a bit more pressure than just a little update on FB. But on the other hand, so much more freedom to share more of me!
So welcome to my new plan of bloggin for 2011! I'll share what's happening for this Thayer family, right in the "thicket" of things- where we live, love and laugh- through thick and thin!